
Rice cooker - RICE COOKER 5,4 L


With this 5.4L rice cooker from CATERCHEF, you can cook 3 kg of uncooked rice, giving you around 6 kg of cooked rice after 45 minutes.

It has been built using very hard-wearing materials, making it a durable product.

When you request a quote, you can choose between purchase and leasing. Please note that leasing is not available on this device.

Photo de Rice Cooker 5,4L de CATERCHERF
Schema de l'autocuiseur RICE COOKER 5,4L

Technical specifications


9.5 kg


35 × 49 cm


Up to 6.2 kg cooked rice / 45 minutes

Energy consumption

1.95 kW

Cooking capacity

3 kg raw rice

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