Les 13 et 14 octobre 2021 avait lieu à Paris le Sandwich & Snack Show, un salon auquel Sushi Robots participe depuis maintenant 4 ans !
Sushi Robots: partner of the French Sushi Championship
Every year, during the Sandwich & Snack Show, a major event takes place in the world of sushi: the French Sushi Championship. Since its first edition in 2017, Sushi Robots, a partner of the competition, has provided the Makisu, Cutting boards and Booster seats of the Hasegawa brand to candidates!
This year, the competition was fierce between the 9 candidates who were all dreaming of just one thing: being selected to join Éric Ticana's French Sushi team and represent their country at the World Championships in Tokyo.
The programme includes 5 events to decide between the participants:
- A 15-minute fish preparation test.
- A plant-based event where, as the name suggests, the candidates had to prepare 10 dishes without any animal products.
- A signature test with the creation of 10 identical pieces chosen by the candidates.
- An Edomae event in which the candidates had to prepare pieces of nigiri and maki, among other dishes.
- The final event: the Freestyle, with original creations from the contestants who showed off all their creativity.
Alexis Luong, the day's big winner
4pm: The results are in, and the French Sushi Champion is Alexis Luong. Aged 31, he runs his restaurant Itoko in Castries in the south of France. Just behind him are Jeremy Seguda in second place and Christos Martzoukos in third.

Lots of people to (re)discover Sushi Robots
On stand N.17, where Sushi Robots was located, customers and curious onlookers met up. Dylan, our Sushi Chef, was able to demonstrate the efficiency of our machines throughout the day. From the ASM865CEFrom the ASM410CE, our rice matting machine, to the LCC105, our maki cutting machine, to the ASM410CE, our nigiri machine, sushi was produced in abundance over the two days of the show, to the delight of visitors' taste buds and eyes.
Discover the machines, present your project, ask for a quote... There's every reason to come and see Sushi Robots at the trade fairs. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to keep up to date with Sushi Robots events!
The entire Sushi Robots team would like to thank everyone who came to the show to meet us. See you on 30 and 31 March 2022 for the next edition of the Sandwich & Snack Show in Paris and from 4 to 7 April at the Alimentaria in Barcelona!